Minggu, 31 Maret 2013

Laptop Bekas Murah Solo

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 Make a Mobile App From a WordPress Site
by Terry J Fox

Do you want to increase the rate of visitors for your WordPress website along with increasing its brand name? One of the best ways to do this is to convert your site into an app which can be placed in reputed app stores like Apple's App Store and Google Play etc.

7 Tips To Choose The Right TV
by Adrian Anton

If you need a new TV for your home, choosing one has to take into account a large amount of factors. From budget to size, display type, resolutions and TV features these all have to be figured out before the actual purchase is made. Some people like to purchase certain brands, so you'll have to filter down the possible choices to only the brands you know and trust.

How to Improve Battery Life in Linux Laptops
by Hoo Ann

Many people prefer laptops over desktops because of their portability and convenience. However, laptops lose their advantage of portability quickly when they run out of battery life. In this article, I will show you some ways to keep the battery life of your laptop going for as long as possible.
3 Retrospective Mistakes You Must Avoid
by Faisal Mahmood
Agile puts huge emphasis on continuous improvement. Agile Teams use Retrospective Meetings to inspect their process, and continuously improve it. However, at times, Teams struggle to benefit from this opportunity and fail to improve.

Crucial Tips to Finding Your Perfect Computer
by Philip Hannigen

Buying a computer can seem like a daunting task. With the right information, getting the perfect computer should be no trouble. Don't let all the technical jargon of the computer retailers scare you, and get yourself empowered for a new computer.

All You Need to Know About Product Backlog Grooming - Part I
by Faisal Mahmood

The Product Backlog is a dynamic artifact. It keeps changing. Over time, all the project requirements are listed on the Product Backlog. This includes all functional and non-functional requirements. As the time goes by, the Product Backlog starts to become untidy. The Product Backlog needs grooming.
All You Need to Know About Product Backlog Grooming - Part II
by Faisal Mahmood

In the first part of this article, we discussed why Product Backlog grooming is important. In this article, we'll discuss how and when the Product Backlog is groomed and who takes part in this process.

LIGO, The Self-Cancelling Interferometers - No Gravitons - Prey For Serendipity
by Richard A Karlin
There is a gigantic international project to find gravity waves. The US part is named LIGO, which stands for Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory. To date, these projects have found nothing. They may never find anything.

How to Efficiently Manage the Transition to Cloud
by Suarez Luiz

This article gives you few tips to ensure smooth transition to the cloud environment. It explains in detail how one can go through a smooth cloud transition and the benefits of cloud computing to your business.
Is Global Speech Recognition Possible - An Anonymous Voice in a Crowd at Grand Central Station?
by Lance Winslow
Okay so, what is the Holy Grail for speech recognition? I would submit to you that when the artificial intelligent computers, perhaps coupled to supercomputers can spot a particular voice in a stadium, or someplace like Grand Central Station in the middle of the day, that they will have reached the pinnacle. Do you think this is impossible?

The Power Of Manufactured Landscapes
by Chris Waldo

3D printing is a relatively fascinating technology in my opinion; the applications are very interesting and the technology is just awesome! I want to cover this manufacturing technology and how it can be used to create full color landscape models, but first let me cover the basics of 3D printing. The style of 3D printing I'm going to refer to is inkjet printing.
How to Select the Best Tablet for Your Needs
by Imran Nasir
While there is a wide range of technologically based products, derived from the established concept of the automated computing system of based on the model of the eighteen hundreds, the newer models of today, offer consumers a wider selection to meet their computing needs. From desk tops to laptops, each company offers technologically advanced features to meet today's preferences. These companies have also expanded their range to include net books as well as other computing devices.

3D Printing Advancements Of 2012
by Chris Waldo

3D printing has definitely been taking off lately! New launches have been followed up with newer launches, as this industry is beginning to develop! Now, the 3D printing industry has an estimated value of 1.7 billion dollars, but in 2015 there is going to a be a projected value of 3.7 billion dollars. This 3D printing technology is going nowhere but up! Let me elaborate.

Solution for Hardware Detection and Driver Problems
by Arman Yaraee

One of the biggest problems in Windows is hardware detection. Many websites offer scam and invalid products which "promise" to solve the problem however it's not possible. In this article I am going to show you best ways to solve your new hardware problems.
Business Meetings Using Video Conferencing
by Shelly Desuza
For a productive business Video Conferencing has become a tool for business rather than a luxury. Video Conferencing is an amazing tool which helps to participate in the meetings around the world at any moment and almost costs nothing. The cost of conducting face-to-face meeting is too high when compared to online conferencing.
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Which 3D Printer Is For You?
by Chris Waldo

3D printing is a pretty fascinating manufacturing technology which allows for the production of a wide variety of parts that are simply unheard of when compared to traditional forms of manufacturing. Through the layer by layer additive manufacturing process, 3D printing can create virtually any shape! Whether it is organic, or incredibly intricate, 3D printing can help your situation better than other styles of manufacturing in most situations.
The Various Speeds Of 3D Printing
by Chris Waldo
Which method of rapid prototyping or 3D printing is the fastest? This is a great question to take into consideration when thinking about purchasing a 3D printer. I'll answer this question in reverse order from the slowest to the fastest methods.

Before Upgrading System in Arch Linux
by Hoo Ann

Arch Linux is a rolling Linux distribution. It is always up-to-date and has all the newest packages for all the applications. However, new versions of applications usually contain many bugs that are unknown to the developers. That is why sometimes, you got a lot of errors and problems after doing a system upgrade in Arch Linux. In this article, I will show you what you should do before upgrading system in Arch Linux.

The Several Methods of Training!
by Amit Kataria

Training is an important aspect of the education system. Though self learning also solves the purpose in many cases; however training system will never lose significance due to its various benefits.
Digital Storage: How Document Scanning Can Make Your Office More Efficient
by Shawn Farner

The modern office usually contains an an array of computers, phone systems, and other electronic tools that are put in place for workers so that they can complete more work in less time, and with greater efficiency. Unfortunately, while some communication methods have jumped into the 21st century, others have not. A lot of paper documents can make their way through an office, and those that aren't tossed into the garbage bin are likely stored.

Mobile App Development For Good Causes
by Clair M O'Neill

According to research commissioned in support of The Sunday Times App List 2012, 56.5 per cent of smartphone owners use their mobile for its apps more than using it for making phone calls or sending text messages. The research also found 54.4 per cent of smartphone owners download at least one application a week, with the average user owning around 38 apps.

Technology: Where Would We Be Without It?
by Imran Nasir

Did you ever wonder where we would be without technology? Imagine how your life would be if we didn't have networked computers, smart phones, electricity, and books (eBooks and paper-based). It is almost impossible to think of our lives without it. What exactly is technology anyhow? How has it changed our world? Did it change our world for the better or worse?

Software Development Companies - Discussing Their Roles and Areas of Business
by Steven Finch Vazquez

Software development companies are very popular today and their business is very beneficial to the world. They have notable contributions in virtually every industry. Their programs make processes easier, quicker and manageable. These companies follow Software Development Life Cycle or SDLC to perform their activities. SDLC is a tactic used to guide the development of any software product. It is the foundation of the activities performed by software developers when creating any application. Good examples of SDLCs include Agile, Waterfall, Rapid Application Development, Spiral Mode and Joint Application Development among others.

Coming Up With an App Idea to License: Dream, Design, Develop!
by Ryan M Theil

In the iPhone app licensing line of work, everything begins with a useful idea. A lot of us have already been walking around with award-winning ideas for several years, but some individuals are still waiting for the right spark of inspiration. If you're looking at this article, hopefully you have already thought about some apps you would want to license...
Pros and Cons of Ubuntu
by Hoo Ann
Ubuntu is currently the most popular Linux distribution and when somebody is talking about Linux, very likely that he is talking about Ubuntu. I personally have a very complicated opinion toward Ubuntu, I both love it and hate it. In this article, I will enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of Ubuntu to justify my love and hate for it.

Patient-Friendly Technology
by Doreen E Charette

This article is about the strides being made with computer technology to provide better health care, a better quality of life, and a longer life span for senior citizens. Computers are the go-between for patient and healthcare specialist.
A Simple 3 Step Strategy to Speed Up Your Computer Startup
by Michael K Milton
There are various reasons behind your computer slowing down during startup. Why does it slow and how can it be improved?

App Development Companies - Which Types of Applications Do They Create?
by Walt Generes Solt

Application development refers to the formation of a computer program that is controlled behind the scenes via a source code. This role is usually played by app development companies. Apps are mainly required by small and big organizations in their executive functions such as stock inventories, asset tracking, social networking, ticket booking, bookkeeping and accounting among others. Apps development consists of various sections including, mainly, the mobile application. It can be described as the procedure through which application software is created for mobile phones and other handheld devices. Mobile apps are highly preferred by various organizations to ensure efficient and timely communication with their worldwide clients. They are usually added to a hand-held system like a Smartphone to have features such as 3d games, tickets booking, shopping carts, social networks, payment gateways and GPRS road maps among other things.

Difference Between Firewall Throughput and IPS Throughput
by S Shireen

Most vendors talk of firewall throughput even when they are advertising UTMs (Unified Threat Management Systems). There's a fundamental difference between a firewall and a UTM. A firewall merely does stateful inspection of the traffic whereas a UTM proactively stops attacks even on allowed ports because it contains the all important IPS (Intrusion Prevention System).

Computer Accessories Lend Product Launch Excitement To Promotions
by Michael Lerner

Using computer accessories to reach prospects and customers can apply to any market, since gadget lovers exist in all niches. Items from the best of technology accessories range from flash drives to tablet covers and can virtually pair a promotional message with the most cutting edge devices.

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